
Species Name Capitalization with Apply

You have some data with species names that are stored in capital letters. You want to capitalize them properly so that the genus starts with a capital letter and the other letters are lower case. The str_to_sentence function from the stringr package can do this:


species <- "CYGNUS OLOR"
species_clean <- str_to_sentence(species)

1. Use sapply and str_to_sentence to produce a vector of properly capitalized species names from the following vector of species names:


2. Replace sapply with lapply to get the answer as a list instead of a vector.

3. Use lapply to get the properly capitalized species and the use unlist to convert the result to a vector.

Note: this exercise doesn’t technically require the use of an apply function, but we’re going to use one to keep our first use of apply simple.

[click here for output]