
Acacia and Ants

An experiment in Kenya has been exploring the influence of large herbivores on plants.

Download the data on Acacia for the experiment into a data subdirectory and read it into R using the following command:

acacia <- read.csv("data/ACACIA_DREPANOLOBIUM_SURVEY.txt", sep="\t", na.strings = c("dead"))
  1. Make a scatter plot with CIRC on the x axis and AXIS1 (the maximum canopy width) on the y axis. Label the x axis “Circumference” and the y axis “Canopy Diameter”.
  2. The same plot as (1), but with points colored based on the ANT column (the species of ant symbiont living with the acacia)
  3. The same plot as (2), but instead of different colors show different species of ant (values of ANT) each in a separate subplot.
  4. The same plot as (3) but including a simple model by adding geom_smooth.
[click here for output] [click here for output] [click here for output] [click here for output]